28. Aizawa, N.; Vázquez, R.J.* “Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence (TADF) Active Systems: Mechanism, Applications, and Future Directions“. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2025, 129, 7, 3359-3360
27. Young, T.W.; Cox-Vázquez, S.J.; Call, E. D.; Shah, D. C.; Jacobson, S.C.*; Vázquez, R.J.* “Resistive-Pulse Sensing Coupled with Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy for Differentiation of Individual Liposomes“. ACS Nano, 2025, 19, 2, 2162–2170
26. Cox-Vázquez, S.J.; Shakir, B.; Medrano, O.; Shah, D.; Bortey, K.; Biswas, B.; Tran, A.; Tran, C.; Vázquez, R.J.* “Advancements and Applications of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes and Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes in Bioanalytical and Electrochemical Contexts“. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Au, 2024, 4, 12, 4592-4611
25. Ohayon, D.; Quek, G.; Peng, B. Y. R.; López-García, F.; Ng, P.R.; Vázquez, R.J.; Bazan, G.C*.”High-Performance Aqueous Supercapacitors Based on a Self-Doped n-Type Conducting Polymer“. Adv. Mater. 2024, 2410512
24. McCuskey, S. R.; Quek, G.; Vázquez, R.J.; Kundakad, B.; Ismail, M.H.; Astorga, S.E.; Jiang, Yan.; Bazan, G.C*. “Evolving Synergy between Synthetic and Biotic Elements in Conjugated Polyelectrolyte/Bacteria Composite Improves Charge Transport and Mechanical Properties“. Adv. Sci. 2024, 2405242
23. Chen, C.; Quek, G.; Liu, H.; Bannenberg, L.; Li, R.; Choi, J.; Ren, D.; Vázquez, R.J.; Boshuizen, B.; Fimland, B.; Fleischmann, S.; Wagemaker, M.; Jiang, D.; Bazan, G.C.; Wang, X. “High-rate polymeric redox in MXene-based superlattice-like heterostructure for ammonium ion storage“. Adv. Energy Mater., 2024, 2402715
22. Biswas, B.; Shah, D.; Cox-Vázquez, S. J.; Vázquez, R. J.* “Sensing Cholesterol-Induced Rigidity in Model Membranes Using Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Microscopy.” J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 6570-6576 Emerging Investigators Themed Collection
21. Jiang, Y.; Vázquez, R. J.; McCuskey, S. R.; Peng, B. Y. R.; Quek, G.; Ohayon, D.; Wang, X.; Bazan, G. C*. “Recyclable Conjugated Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels for Pseudocapacitor Fabrication”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 16, 19968–19976
*Denotes Corresponding Author
Before Joining Indiana University Bloomington
20. Peng, B. Y. R.; Vázquez, R. J.; McCuskey, S. R.; Jiang, Y.; Quek, G.; Ohayon, D.; Wang, X.; Bazan, G. C. “Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Thin Films for Pseudocapacitive Applications“, Adv. Mater., 2024, 36, 2308631
19. Chae, S.; Dang-Nguyen, T.; Chatsirisupachai, J.; Yi, A.; Vázquez, R. J.; Quek, G.; Promarak, V.; Kim, H. J.; Bazan, G. C.; Nguyen, T.Q. “ Impact of Molecular Weight on the Ionic and Electronic Transport of Self‐Doped Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Relevant to Organic Electrochemical Transistors” Adv. Funct. Mater., 2024, 34, 2310852
18. Vázquez, R. J.; Quek, G.; Jiang, Y.; Peng, B. Y. R.; McCuskey, S. R.; Ohayon, D. Kundukad, B.; Wang, X.; Bazan, G. C. “Pseudocapacitive Gels Based on Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Thickness and Ion Diffusion Limitations” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2023, 11, 18843-18852
17. Quek, G.; Vázquez, R.J.; McCuskey, S. R.; Lopez-Garcia, F.; Bazan, G. C. “An n‐Type Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte Mimics Transmembrane Electron Transport Proteins for Enhanced Microbial Electrosynthesis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, e202305189
16. Quek, G.; McCuskey, S. R.; Vázquez, R. J. Cox-Vázquez, S.; Bazan, G. C. “A Microbial Cell Coating Based on a Conjugated Polyelectrolyte with Broad Reduction Potential Increases Inward and Outward Extracellular Electron Transfer” Adv. Electron. Mater., 2023, 2300019.
15. Chan, W.K.; Chen, J.; Zhou, D.; Ye, J.; Vázquez, R. J.; Chen, Z.; Bazan, G. C.; Rao, A.; Yu, Z.; Tan, T.T.Y. “Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Superstructures for Ultrapure Green Emissions” Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(5), 815
14. Leng, X.; Vázquez, R. J.; McCuskey, S. R.; Quek, G.; Su, Y.; Costa, M. C. F.; Chen, S.; Chen, M.; Yang, K.; Zhao, J.; Lin, M.; Chen, Z.; Bazan, G. C.; Novoselov, K. S. Andreeva, D. V. “Bacteria-Loaded Graphene Bioanode for Renewable Energy Generation” Carbon, 2023, 205, 33-3
13. Zhou, C.; Cox-Vázquez, S.; Chia, G. W. N.; Vázquez, R. J. Ying, H.; Chan, S. J. W.; Limwongyut, J.; Bazan, G. C. “Water-soluble Extracellular Vesicle Probes based on Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes” Sci. Adv., 2022, eade2996
12. Vázquez, R. J.* Quek, G.*; McCuskey, S. R.; Llanes, L.; Kundukad, B.; Wang, X.; Bazan, G. C. “Increasing the Molecular Weight of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Improves the Electrochemical Stability of their Pseudocapacitor Gels” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 21642–21649
11. Quek, G.; Vázquez, R. J.; McCuskey, S. R.; Kundukad, B.; Bazan, G. C. “Enabling Electron Injection for Microbial Electrosynthesis with n-Type Conjugated Polyelectrolytes” Adv. Mater., 2022, p.2203480
10. Zhou, C.; Li, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Chia, G. W.; Mikhailovsky, A.; Vázquez, R. J.; Chan, S. J.; Li, K.; Liu, B.; Bazan, G. C. “Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes for Long‐Term Tumor Tracking with Incremental NIR‐II Emission” Adv. Mater., 2022, p.2201989
9. Fisher, L.; Vázquez, R.J; Howell, M.; Muthike, A.; Orr, M.; Jiang, H.; Dodgen, B.; Lee, R.; Lee, D.R.; Lee. J.Y.; Zimmerman, P.; Goodson, T. “Investigation of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence In Donor-Acceptor Organic Emitters with Time-Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy” Chem. Mater., 2022, 34, 2161-2175
8. Vázquez, R.J. McCuskey, S.R.; Quek, G.; Su, Y. Llanes, L.; Hinks, J.; Bazan, G.C. “Conjugated Polyelectrolyte/Bacteria Living Composites in Carbon Paper for Biocurrent Generation” Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 2100840
7. Quek, G.; Su, Y.; Donato, R.K.; Vázquez, R.J.; Marangoni, V.S.; Rou, N.P.; Costa, M.C.F.; Kundukad, B.; Novoselov, K.S., Neto, A.H.C; Bazan, G.C. “Pseudocapacitive Conjugated Polyelectrolyte/2D Electrolyte Hydrogels with Enhanced Physico-Electrochemical Properties” Adv. Electron. Mater., 2022, 8, 2100942
6. Su, Y.; McCuskey, S.R.; Leifert, D.; Moreland, A.S.; Zhou, L.; Llanes, L.C.; Vázquez, R.J.; Sepunaru, L.; Bazan, G.C. “A Living Biotic–Abiotic Composite that can Switch Function Between Current Generation and Electrochemical Energy Storage” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2007351
5. Vázquez, R.J.; Yun, J.H.; Muthike, A.K.; Howell, M.; Kim, H.; Madu, I.K.; Kim, T.; Zimmerman, P.; Lee, J.Y.; Goodson, T.“New Direct Approach for Determining the Reverse Intersystem Crossing Rate in Organic Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent (TADF) Emitters” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 18, 8074–8079
4. Vázquez, R. J.; Kim, H.; Zimmerman, P.; Goodson, T. “Using Ultra-Fast Spectroscopy to Probe the Excited State Dynamics of a Reported Highly Efficient Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Chromophore” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 4210-4221
3. Kim, H.; Keller, B.; Ho-Wu, R.; Abeyasinghe, N.; Vázquez, R.J.; Goodson, T.; Zimmerman, P. “Enacting Two-Electron Transfer from a TT State of Intramolecular Singlet Fission” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 7760-7763
2. Cai, Z.*; Vázquez, R. J.*; Zhao, D.; Li, L.; Lo, W. Y.; Zhang, N.; Wu, Q.; Keller, B.; Eshun, A.; Abeyasinghe, N.; Banaszak-Holl, H.; Goodson, T.; Yu, L. “Two-Photon Absorption Study of Low-Bandgap, Fully Conjugated Perylene Diimide-Thienoacene-Perylene Diimide Ladder-Type Molecules” Chem. Mater., 2017, 29, 6726-6732
1. Vázquez, R. J.; Kim, H.; Kobilka, B. M.; Hale, B. J.; Jeffries-El, M.; Zimmerman, P.; Goodson, T. J. “Evaluating the Effect of Heteroatoms on the Photophysical Properties of Donor-Acceptor Conjugated Polymers Based on 2,6-Di(thiophen-2-yl)benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]difuran: Two-Photon Cross-Section and Ultrafast Time-Resolved Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. C. 2017, 121, 14382 – 14392